Sunday, April 24, 2011

Finding the Band

While exploring San Ignacio on our last day inland, a few of us stumbled upon a group of kids forming a drum line.  We stopped and listened for a bit.  As we waited, we noticed more students coming up with more types of instruments (mostly brass).  We left to get Kyle’s camera and came straight back to find that even more members had shown up.  Now we even had dancers.  After listening and taking pictures, we talked with a couple of the leaders of the band.

 The band had only been together for a few months and already attended a national competition.  The guys in the band were eager to tell their stories about the process and importance of creating the marching band for the kids.  They even had children as little at 3 years old out practicing.  It keeps them focused and out of trouble.  The band needs more equipment in order to provide decent instruments for the students to play.  We hope to stay in contact and see what we can do as far as providing instruments for the students. 

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